Education Installation

BMS 4.0 Manual

The educational application is designed for demonstration purposes only - without expectation of data security. In contrast, system administrator(s) are responsible for the continual backup, storage, and maintenance of critical data in data management installations. Contact to request  Educational Application access to demo or evaluate the BMS at your institution.

Installations of the BMS to support self-directed training will have Backup and Restore functionality in their user interface. IBP tutorials exploit the backup and restore functionality, allowing learners to jump into a breeding activity with a fully supplied example database. For example, a student or trainee can quickly demonstrate nursery advancement by restoring the database to include an example F1 nursery with observations and selections already entered.

Important Note about Restore Function
The tutorial restore feature has a known bug, where mismatched program and user details trigger an error message in nurseries and trials. For the purposes of demonstration with example data these mismatches are inconsequential and can be ignored. Expect to see the bug fixed in future versions of the educational application. The bug does not impact real data applications of the BMS.

For Trainees

Restore from Backup File

Use the Restore functionality to pre-load example data for the IBP Tutorial Series, review different crop ontologies, and review saved work. Restorations overwrite existing data. Selecting Restore will overwrite the contents of the existing programs. For example, restoring the a maize program with a cowpea program will erase the maize data and replace the maize ontology with cowpea terms. You may want to backup your progress before performing a restoration (see below).

*Sql backup files created in BMS version 3.0 are not compatible with v4.0.

  • From under Program Administration, choose Backup and Restore Program Data. Browse to the backup file (.sql), select open, and Preform Restore. 

  • Restorations overwrite existing data. Selecting Restore will overwrite the contents of existing programs.

Create Backup File

A backup file (.sql) is a copy of a tutorial database. Learners and educators may use backup files to share breeding scenarios.

  • Select Preform Backup Backup programs will be automatically saved as .sql files within C:\Breeding Management System\backup and also within your browser's Downloads folder.  

For Workshop Leader

Workshop leaders have super administrator access to the educational application. They must assign programs to crop databases, add new users, and assign users to programs. For optimal performance, no more than a few crop databases should be established per educational installation. The educational application can be used to support either (1) self-directed learning or (2) guided demonstration of concurrent use.

Self-Directed Demonstration

Trainees are given temporary access to the BMS educational application to learn the system using IBP tutorials. Example data required to follow IBP tutorials are introduced via database restoration. It is critical that each crop database contain only one program assigned to one self-directed learner - otherwise restorations by one trainee will overwrite the work of others.

Establish Programs

  • Select Add A Program.

  • Create one program per tutorial "crop" database. The default tutorial "crop" database contains a generic ontology that can serve as the basis for any crop not specifically supported by the Integrated Breeding Platform. The IBP tutorial series provides example files to restore the database with example data from different crops. Select Save and Finish.

  • Add up 10 tutorial crop databases containing one program each. One for each self-directed learner.

Establish Users

  • Select Site Admin button and Add User.

  • Specify user details and send user an email invitation to set up their password. Workshop participants should be given role of Breeder. Once they establish a password, they will be able to sign into the system.

Add One User to Each Program

  • Launch Gregor Mendel's Program.

  • Select Manage Program Setting and the Members tab.

  • Drag and drop Gregor Mendel from available users to selected program members.

  • Now when Gregor Mendel logs into the BMS he has breeder access his own program

Demonstration of Concurrent Use

Demonstration of concurrent use maybe of interest in a workshop setting. Keep in mind that a database restoration using this configuration will impact all users and is not recommended for self-directed learning.

  • Add multiple users to a single program for concurrent testing. All users have breeder access to a single program.