Cowpea: Make Crosses and F1 Nursery List

BMS 3.0 Tutorials

Image Modified From:


Shawn YarnesThe Integrated Breeding Platform


This tutorial describes the design of a series of F1 crosses and generation of the F1 nursery list.

Restore from Previous Tutorial

Screenshots and activities in this tutorial build upon work preformed in previous tutorials. 

Define Cross Settings

  • Open the Crossing Manager by selecting Make Crosses from the Breeding Activities section of the Workbench menu. 

  • Set the cross name prefix to CT10A and specify that the sequence number contain 3 digits. Each breeding program will need to develop naming conventions for crosses. In this case, designate the prefix for the cross code, ‘CT’ for Cowpea Tutorial followed by a season code, ‘10A’ for the first season of 2010.
  • Leave the current, default date to indicate harvest. If the user has not specified any Program locations you will have to uncheck the ‘Show only favorite locations’ checkbox in order to see all the locations. Set the location to Ibadan.  Save these cross settings as Cowpea Tutorial and select Next.

Make Crosses

Browse for the parent list.

  • Select the UCR2010Parents list and Open for Review.

  • Highlight and drag the first 11 entries to the female parent list box. Highlight and drag the final 21 entries to the male parent list box. Select all of the entries in the female and male lists.  In Crossing Method section select Cross each selected female (11) with each selected male (21) lines.  Click Make Crosses.  The result is 231 crosses (11 x 21=231). 

  • Save the female and male lists as “Female Parents 2010” and “Male Parents 2010”.


Make an F1 Nursery List

  • Save the Crossing List as UCR2010F1.

  • Select Finish and review the summary. Select Done to exit.


Funding & Acknowledgements

The Integrated Breeding Platform (IBP) is jointly funded by: the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the European Commission, United Kingdom's Department for International Development, CGIAR, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and the CGIAR Fund Council. Coordinated by the Generation Challenge Program the Integrated Breeding Platform represents a diverse group of partners; including CGIAR Centers, national agricultural research institutes, and universities. 

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License.?