Hybrid Performance Trial Scenario
The hybrid performance trial begins at the ending of the previous series, Study 1: Doubled Haploid Nursery. Hybrids created from doubled haploid parents will now be evaluated in a randomized performance trial. If you have completed the Study 1 series you will have created a list of 20 hybrids. If not, you can use pre-loaded example germplasm as the basis for the following activities.
- Create a planting list for the performance trial which includes hybrids and controls.
- Create performance trial study using a template to pre-populate details.
- Generate a randomized incomplete block design.
- Export data files for data collection.
- Import fictionalized data.
- Review and accept pending data.
- Calculate derived variables.
Create List of Germplasm
- Select browse to reveal germplasm list directory.
- Select list of 20 hybrids to test in the performance trial. If you completed the previous tutorial series, you will have created a list of 20 hybrids. If you are starting this series de novo, you can use the pre-loaded list of Example Hybrids.
The list of hybrids created in the previous tutorial series is selected.
In addition to the 20 test hybrids, we will include some controls in the performance trial.
- Select the preloaded lists, Hybrid Controls (2 entries) and DH Lines (5 entries). All of the selected lists will open behind the directory pop-up. Close the pop-up to review list details. Select Show List Builder.
- Select the two control hybrids. Right click to reveal action menu or drag and drop to Add Selected Entries to New List.
- Repeat with the 5 DH Lines.
- Repeat with 20 test hybrids. Review the list of 27 entries. Select Save.
The first 7 entries of the new list will serve as controls to compare the performance of the test hybrids to 2 released hybrid varieties of known performance and their 5 parental double haploid lines.
Save List
- Name and describe the performance trial germplasm list. Save to the Study 2 folder.
The list of 27 germplasm is now available from the Germplasm Directory and can be included in studies.